The need for National ICT Policy in India has becoming urgent day by day. Mr. Praveen Dalal, Managing Partner of Perry4Law, has been suggesting for the same from a long period of time. There is a dire need to formulate National ICT Policy in India that must address the issues like legal enablement of ICT systems in India, cyber security in India, developing cyber forensics capabilities in India, ICT training of lawyers, judges and police personnel in India, managing the environmental issues of e-waste in India, establishment of e-courts in India, formulating strong cyber laws in India, etc.
Recently, Greenpeace India, Toxics Link and the Manufacturers' Association of Information Technology (MAIT) have also supported the demand for separate legislation for e-waste management in India.
Even the recent 100 days agenda of the Government of India (GOI) includes “environmental protection” as one of the priority areas. It would be interesting to observe how the GOI would meet the menace of e-waste in India.
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