It seems after Perry4Law, it is now BJP turn to keep a “track” of the recent promises made by President of India. Perry4Law has been providing its analysis of the policies and strategies of Government of India from time to time. Describing the Presidential address as a "charter of promises", main Opposition party BJP on Thursday said it would keep a close watch on whether these were being implemented by the government or remained mere assurances.
Although details from Perry4Law are not available yet the hints already provided clearly show that the “critical analysis” would be made by Perry4Law of the Governmental Polices in general and their “Techno-Legal” aspects in particular. Significant analyses have already been made by Perry4Law regarding the following:
(a) Legal Enablement of ICT Systems in India,
(b) National ICT Policy of India,
(c) Open Government Policy In India,
(d) Bifurcation of Composite Government Departments,
(e) Political Will and Bureaucratic Incompetencies, etc.
A special emphasis would be given by Perry4Law to analyse the “performance” of Government of India (GOI) regarding e-governance in India in general and projects like e-courts in India, mission mode projects under the NEGP, etc in particular.
As far as the “starting of performance period of 100 days” is concerned, Perry4Law has excluded 4th June, 2009 from the number of days to be calculated. Keep a track of the techno-legal analysis of Perry4Law of these 100 days.