V K Singh
With a weak cyber law, inadequate cyber security capabilities and absence of political will, India is heading towards a cyber security nightmare. The digital issues are beyond the capabilities of Indian government to handle. The need of the hour is to enact suitable cyber security policies of India, says Praveen Dalal.
Cyber security is an area that is in news worldwide. As more and more dependability upon computers and Internet is happening, the risks associated with their use are also apparent. The most obvious risks pertain to cyber crimes, cyber security, cyber warfare, cyber espionage, cyber terrorism, malware, viruses and worms, etc.
There are many possible solutions to the risks arising in cyberspace. One of them is to use proper and robust cyber security. However, in order to use cyber security one must understand what cyber security is all about?
According to
Praveen Dalal, leading techno legal expert of India and founder of cyber security research centre of India (
CSRCI), “Cyber Security in India has not received much attention of Indian government. There is not even a Cyber Security Policy of India. The fact is that India is vulnerable to cyber crimes, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, cyber war and many such similar cyber threats”. At CSRCI we take care of the techno-legal aspects of these threats and provide polices and solutions for the same, informs Dalal.
Equally vulnerable are the wireless networks of India that have been continuously exploited by cyber criminals and terrorists. Even after these incidences, most of the wireless networks in India are still insecure and vulnerable, says Dalal.
One wonders why Indian government is not paying any attention to this crucial field even if the problem has reached at its zenith. After all cyber security is more policy and management than software and hardware and that is the responsibility of Indian Parliament to fulfill.