Sunday, June 13, 2010

Develop Capacity Before Foreign Law Firms Are Allowed In India

Kunal Koel

Entry of foreign law firms in India is a moot question before the Indian government. There is no doubt about the proposition that entry of foreign law firms in India depends upon a reciprocal arrangement and similar treatment for lawyers of all those countries who claim such entry of law firms in India.

Although the matter is sub-judice before Madras High Court yet the outcome would not make much difference till the same is finally settled by the Supreme Court of India. Particular important are the obligations under the WTO regarding opening of service sector of India for foreign players. This includes legal profession as well but the government is treading very cautiously.

What is most important for the Bar Council of India (BCI) to understand is that it must immediately start capacity building measures for the legal fraternity of India. There is an emergent need to rejuvenate the skills of Indian lawyers as very soon there would be no difference between a national practice and international practice.

Techno Legal Cyber Forensics Career In India

Catherine Fernandes

More and more law graduates and legal professionals are now interested in techno legal career. They have been asking question about and queries from Mr. Praveen Dalal, Managing Partner of Perry4Law and leading techno-legal and cyber forensics expert of India, regarding a career in techno legal field. The latest is from Neha who has asked for a career in cyber forensics and allied fields. Through this post we would be providing details of the same to her as well as future professionals.

Techno legal trainings, skill development and education of Perry4Law are managed by Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB). There are various highly specialised techno legal course, trainings, skill development programs, etc offered or proposed to be offered by PTLB.

Presently it is offering a techno legal training and skill development course on cyber law. This is not an academic course but a training and skill development course hence there is no degree, diploma, etc awarded to the students or professionals enrolled for these programs. Of course, a certificate of such skill development and training would be provided by PTLB to the successful candidates.

The cyber law course would cover areas like cyber law, cyber crimes, cyber contraventions, cyber war, cyber espionage, cyber terrorism, cyber security, cyber forensics, etc. In short, it is a must for all those lawyers and professionals who wish to have a techno legal career.

The course would be supported by the Cyber Forensics Research, Training and Education Centre of Perry4Law. Get yourself a seat before all are gone. Keep a close tab at the Lawyers Training Blog for more details and future courses and trainings.

You can find more about the Lawyers Training Blog here.