There are growing incidences of exploitation of Indian cyberspace by cyber criminals and foreign powers. Mr. Praveen Dalal, Managing Partner of Perry4Law and the leading Techno-Legal Expert of India has send an open letter to the Government of India including the Prime Minister of India, President of India, Supreme Court of India, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, etc.
We hope the Government of India would do the needful and all political parties would join hands to rescue Indian cyberspace from cyber crimes and cyber contraventions.
This work is analysing some of the suggestions given by Mr. Praveen Dalal to the Government of India regarding the strategic and policy lacunas of Indian Government in the fields of Cyber Law, Cyber Security, Cyber Forensics, etc.
As a result India has not only become a safe heaven for cyber criminals but also a “soft target” for hackers and cyber war criminals worldwide. This work is summarising his suggestions and recommendations (with his approval) and we hope the Government of India in general and the Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh in particular would consider and act upon these suggestions as soon as possible in the larger interest of India.