However, nothing is more missing than the techno legal training and education of judges at all levels. Judges must be aware of not only legal aspects but also of the technical aspects as well. Laws like cyber law are a good example of techno legal field.
In India, there are very few institutions and centers that are providing techno legal trainings and educations to judges. This is because of the specialised nature of the field. Further, there is no framework for continuing legal education in India (CLE in India) or lifelong learning in India for judges or lawyers.
We have a single techno legal research, training and education centre in India. The same is managed by Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB). It is providing techno legal training and education to judges, lawyers, police officers, public prosecutors, etc in the fields like cyber law, online dispute resolution (ODR), e-courts, cyber forensics, digital evidencing, etc.
To provide flexibility and extensive cyber law training in India, PTLB has also launched an online platform. The online platform of PTLB allows a lawyer, judge, law enforcement officer corporate executive, etc to sharpen their techno legal skills even at the comfort of their home, offices, chambers or corporate room.
Application form for the enrollment to various courses, internships and trainings can be downloaded from here.
In order to get enrolled, you must duly fill the form and submit the same along with the prescribed fees. For more details regarding the fees, duration of courses, natures of courses, etc see the FAQs.
For lawyers and judges, PTLB has launched a separate platform known as Online Lawyers and Judges Training and Educational Centre of India. In short, it is known as Bar & Bench Training Blog that provides meaningful insight to not only lawyers and judges of India but also world wide.
Judges in India need to enroll to such courses as they must upgrade their concepts on regular basis. Further, the legal education policy of India must also incorporate the model suggested by PTLB. Law Minister Veerappa Moily has been taking many good steps for legal and judicial reforms in India and CLE of judges should be a part of the same.