India has also a very poor cyber crime conviction rate. The reason behind this is the police officers, lawyers and judges themselves are clueless about cyber crime.
Even if police force of India tries to make itself tech savvy, red tape and other governmental hurdles do not allow them to do so. For instance, the cyber defence research centre (CDRC), once proposed by the state of Jharkhand, seems to be the need of the hour with the government's official website being hacked twice in the past and recent successful cloning incidents of ATM cards at fuel pumps. In spite of alarms raised in the past by cyber experts in the capital and senior police officers, the proposal for CDRC constitution is yet to receive final nod of the government. The proposal for constitution of CDRC was sent to the state government for approval in March 2010.
The CDRC would constitute one chief technological officer (CTO) and two senior advisers from IT sector besides three cyber security professionals to be appointed from among civilians. The rest of the positions would be filled up by policemen trained in cyber security.
Special Branch IG S N Pradhan said once the CDRC was in place, Jharkhand would be one among the main centres of cyber security in India. Pradhan added that the centre would not only check cyber crime in state but also conduct high end research on cyber security and carry out cyber forensic tests to extend assistance to the security professionals at national level.
Till now, Perry4Law and Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) are managing the exclusive techno legal cyber security research, education and training centre of India (CSRTCI). Perry4Law and PTLB are also managing the exclusive techno legal cyber forensics research and training centre of India.
Despite various efforts, the law enforcement and intelligence agencies in India seem to be helpless in front of modern technological crimes like cyber crimes in India, terrorism and cyber-terrorism. India needs to tackle this problem as soon as possible.