Cyber law is gaining importance day by day among the legal fraternity and members of other professions. However, there is a dearth of institutions or centre that can provide qualitative cyber law internship and trainings.
Perry4Law is one such exceptional techno-legal firm that provides qualitative internship and training.
Perry4Law has many techno-legal segments and Perry4Law Techno-Legal Base
(PTLB) is one of it. PTLB manages the basic level techno-legal training, internship, education, coaching, etc of Perry4Law. PTLB has recently launched the first ever online cyber law
internship and training in India. It is meant for law students, law graduates, graduates from other streams like computer science and engineering, lawyers, judges, etc.
This initiative is different from other internship and training initiatives in at least two ways. Firstly, it is online in nature. This has reduced the geographical limitations and any qualified student or professional can apply for the same. Secondly, it is not conducted or undertaken for the sake of doing. It provides qualitative techno-legal internship, training and education with regular performance analysis. Only successful candidates would be declared “Interns of Perry4Law”.
Having internship or training at Perry4Law can open doors of opportunities in the techno-legal world that is anticipated to be tremendous in the future. Grab a seta for yourself before they are taken as they are limited in number. For analyzing the initiative kindly visit
PTLB site and for getting a better idea about the initiative visit the
information portal of PTLB.
This initiative is, presently, confined to cyber law alone. Students or professionals wishing to enroll for other course have to wait but at the risk of loosing the seats when these courses are available. This is so because “preference” to all future courses would be given to those students who enroll to the starting course of cyber law. If after accommodating the preferential students or professionals, there are still some seats available, then only the remaining seats would be offered to other students or professionals. The first batch of cyber law interns and trainees would also be given preference for the “basic level” lifelong learning initiative of Perry4Law. So just grab a seat even if you are not inclined to do so if you need a golden career in techno-legal field.