India urgently needs some good technology related laws. For instance, we do not have cyber security, cyber forensics, lawful interception, privacy laws, data security laws, data protection laws, etc in India.
The ministry of communication and information technology (MCIT) never bothered to give cyber law of India any strength and effectiveness. This is the reason why prime minister’s office (PMO) must interfere and do something in this regard.
In fact, the matter is so important that it deserves the attention of cabinet committee on security (CCS) of India. Cyber law of India covers many issues that are related to other projects as well. These projects are presently supervised by CCS and it would be a good idea if cyber law, cyber security and cyber forensics are also made part of the same.
MCIT has been in controversies for corruption and bad policies. It has also been too soft towards and too submissive to the industrial lobbying that never allowed a strong cyber law for India. Let us hope our honest and upright Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh would take cyber law of India seriously.