Praveen Dalal
Praveen Dalal
Legal education is the base for a versatile and robust “Bar and Bench” in India. Unfortunately, the quality of law graduates is, by and large, not up to the mark. Those who dare to go for traditional litigation system are faced with tremendous difficulties. This is more so regarding first generation lawyers who have no god father to support them.
There is no doubt about the fact that face value plays an important role in Indian courts. Of course, we have many good judges who encourage young and fresh lawyers to argue and present their cases. This is a great inspiration as well as encouragement for young lawyers.
However, in this period of confusion and doldrums, the Law Minister of India and Bar Council of India (BCI) must take some urgent and immediate steps to rejuvenate Indian legal system. The call is for both HRD Minister Mr. Kapil Sibbal as well as for law Minister Mr. Veerappa Molly. While the former must inculcate qualitative legal education at the graduation level the latter must make it sure that Indian Legal and judicial Systems have a good pool of talented lawyers and judges.
Easy said than done. At the same time we also need proper management and collaborations to take legal and judicial standards of India to highest level. Time has come when all the concerned stakeholders must unite their expertise to improve the legal system of India.