History is evident that Parliament of India has enacted laws without any discussion or debate numerous times. One such law that empowers government of India with tremendous, unreasonable and illegal e-surveillance is the information technology amendment act (IT Act 2008) that amended information technology act 2000 (IT Act 2000). IT Act 2000 is the sole cyber law of India that has made India an endemic e-surveillance society and converted it into an e-police state.
On the front of non-enactment is the classical example of unique identification authority of India (UIDAI) that is managing unique identification project of India (UID project of India). The UID project of India is operating without any legal framework and is unconstitutional as it violates the civil liberties of Indians. According to the UID watch initiative managed by Praveen Dalal, UID project of India in its current form violates the human rights of Indians.
In India the laws made by Parliament are strongly influenced by industrial lobbying and private companies profit designs. Fortunately, there are some good steps taken to put a brake on this unconstitutional march of Indian government. For instance, the national intelligence grid (NATGRID) project of home ministry of India has been stalled after suggestions of Praveen Dalal were accepted by the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) of India.
Similar steps must also be taken regarding UID project of India that has tremendous civil liberty violation potentials. In fact the way it has been operating is already unconstitutional and must be stopped by courts of India.
It seems we do not need Parliament of India if all it does is enacting laws that violates our civil liberties and abstains from stopping authorities by not enacting any law and allowing them to operate without any law.