Thus, cyber security skills development in India is directly related to good and qualitative cyber security courses in India. There are many essentials of cyber security courses in India that must be taken care of before trained and skilled cyber workforce can be produced in India.
Perry4Law is managing many qualitative and world class techno legal education and training institutions and centers. For instance, Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) provides good and qualitative techno legal cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics and many more techno legal courses and trainings.
Similarly, Perry4Law Techno Legal ICT Training Centre (PTLITC) provides domain specific and highly specilaised cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics and many more techno legal courses, trainings and educations.
PTLB e-learning platform is providing courses on cyber law, cyber forensics, cyber security and many more techno legal fields. Stakeholders and learners from around the world can be enrolled there for these courses. These virtual campuses can fill the cyber security education gap that is prevailing in India.
Cyber security courses in India must not be mere academic degrees or diplomas. They must be practical and vocational in nature. Technical education and skill development in India still needs to be developed. Kapil Sibal is doing a good work in the field of education and very soon cyber security courses may also be taught in India in a qualitative manner.