Even if a case is registered for cyber crime, police officials in India do not possess required expertise to solve the same. For instance, even basic level cyber forensics capabilities are missing in various cyber cells of India. Although cyber cells have been opened in India yet a dominant majority of them are not actually doing anything for solving cyber crimes.
The main reason for this poor performance is lack of cyber law and cyber forensics knowledge. It would be unfair to expect an expert knowledge from police officers in India but they must at least know the basics of cyber law and cyber forensics. They must have at least basic level of techno legal cyber law and cyber forensics trainings.
Home Minister of India Mr. P. Chidambaram must seriously consider projects and initiatives that can help in developing cyber skills of police force in India. Issues like cyber law and cyber forensics have not yet been considered important enough by him so far.
Further, good and effective trainings courses must also be arranged for police force in India that is presently missing. With ever increasing use of technology, police work in India is going to be more challenging. Police force must be prepared for this challenging job.