This is also important in the dynamic legal field through which the legal profession is passing through. Fields like cyber law, cyber forensics, etc were not available a decade before but they must be learnt by all those related to legal field.
Legal education has now become techno legal where a legal professional must be aware of both technical as well as legal fields. However, there is a dearth of techno legal institutions that provide legal lifelong learning. One such institution that provides techno legal lifelong learning (TLLL) is managed by Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB).
At the same time there is also a dire need to have institutions that can provide good continuing legal education in India (CLE in India). PTLB covers both traditional legal fields as well as contemporary techno legal fields.
There is an urgent need to bring suitable legal educational reforms in India. The present legal education in India is not up to the mark. Further, the legal education in India is also shying away in using e-learning and online learning to expand the legal education base.
Law Minister Veerappa Moily and bar Council of India (BCI) must take some immediate and pro active role in the direction of legal education in India in general and CLE/LLLE in particular.