An ideal cyber law must regulate illegal and unlawful activities while giving maximum leverage to legitimate and legal dealings. Indian cyber law is doing the opposite. While it encourages cyber criminals to engage in unlimited and unrestricted criminal activities by making their criminal acts bailable, legitimate and law abiding people are subjected to unconstitutional e-surveillance and scrutiny.
There was no need to provide unregulated and unaccountable e-surveillance, Internet censorship and website blocking powers to Indian government and its agencies. But not only was it done through the information technology amendment act, 2008 but that also without any procedural safeguards.
On the other hand, the amendment also made almost all the cyber crimes bailable thereby making the cyber law of India impotent and cyber criminals friendly. The ministry of communication and information technology (MCIT) seems to have succumbed to industrial lobbying and made the sole cyber law of India a big mockery. Even Kapil Sibal seems to be in no mood to repeal the present cyber law and come up with a strong and effective cyber law.
Now it is for the Prime Minister of India Dr. Manmohan Singh to take appropriate action. He cannot afford to maintain a silence stance. Already the implications of weak cyber law and inadequate cyber security capabilities of India have started appearing. Indian cyber space is regularly invaded by crackers and foreign nations. But then who cares this is India.