The fact is that Aadhar project of India/UID project of India as well as unique identification authority of India (UIDAI) are unconstitutional and illegal project and authority respectively.
Even Praveen Dalal, the leading techno–legal expert of India, has clearly explained and proved that UIDAI is an unconstitutional body. The Nandan Nilekani led project must be immediately scrapped off.
Even projects like national intelligence grid (Natgrid), crime and criminal tracking networks and systems (CCTNS), etc are unconstitutional.
The cyber law of India has been modified to accommodate the nefarious activities of Indian government and its agencies and for projects like aadhar, Natgrid, CCTNS, etc. The information technology act 2000 (IT Act 2000) was amended with the main objective of strengthening Indian government’s e-surveillance and Internet censorship powers.
Time has come for the Indians to agitate this matter before it is too late.