Indian government is aware of this limitation of Indian educational system and is working in the direction of skills development, practical trainings and vocational education. Even suitable legal framework to streamline educational sector in India is in pipeline.
Skills development in India is an area that requires top priority of Indian government. Further, technical education skill development in India also needs to be taken care of. Virtual campuses can be a big help in streamlining professional, vocational and skills development in India.
Even the legal education in India needs great reforms. PhDs in India are dying and higher legal education in India needs urgent reforms. In particular, continuing professional legal education in India needs to be developed. Further, public legal awareness training in India also needs to be strengthened.
India is providing many Information Technology related services. However, other countries, especially China, have now started giving competition to India. A cyber skilled workforce of India needs to be developed. Even cyber law skills developments in India are required to meet growing cyber crimes.
The cyber crime investigation capabilities in India need to be upgraded as cyber crimes are far exceeding the cyber capabilities of law enforcement agencies of India. Cyber crime investigation training in India as well as cyber fraud detection training in India is needed to tackle cyber crimes, white color crimes and organised crimes.
To solve these high tech and organised crimes, we also need to develop cyber forensics capabilities in India. Cyber forensics training in India can help in detection and prosecution of these crimes. Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) is managing the exclusive techno legal online cyber forensics training centre of India that is developing cyber forensics skills of various stakeholders.
Since India is facing growing cyber attacks, cyber warfare, cyber terrorism, cyber espionage, etc, we also need to ensure cyber security skills development in India. Ethical hacking training and courses in India can be really helpful.
PTLB skills development initiative is providing techno legal trainings in the fields like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, offensive and defensive cyber capabilities, etc. Interested individuals, organisations and stakeholders can enroll for these courses to develop their skills.