Cyber security of India is also an essential part of National ICT Policy and Strategy of India. However, despite some very good suggestions by experts, India has not taken cyber security seriously. On the other hand, the International Community is focusing really hard to make cyber security an essential part of their day to day lives.
Internationally, it is an accepted fact that to ensure effective cyber security, there must be a coordinated and collaborative approach, metrics and assessment tools must be developed, an effective legal and policy framework for security must be created and the human dimension of security must be addressed.
Although there are numerous aspects of Cyber Security Policy of India yet Critical Infrastructure Protection in India is one of the most important aspects of the same, informs Praveen Dalal, leading techno legal expert of India and managing partner of New Delhi based techno legal law firm Perry4Law. The Critical National Infrastructure of India is under constant cyber attacks and India must urgently do something in this regard, informs Dalal.
Experts like Praveen Dalal also feel that India does not have strong and effective cyber laws to deal with issue pertaining to Critical Infrastructure. India is blind towards cyber law, cyber security and cyber forensics requirements. The IT Act, 2000 is a poorly drafted law and badly implemented legislation. It is weak and ineffective in dealing with growing Cyber Crimes in India as it is the most Soft and Cyber Criminal Friendly Legislation of the World.
Thus, on all the fronts of policy, legal framework and effective cyber security initiatives, India has failed to give proper attention. In these circumstances, critical national infrastructures of India are at grave cyber security risks. They are vulnerable to cyber threats and cyber attacks. India must urgently do something in this regard as soon as possible.