Anybody familiar with the Indian legal and judicial system would tell you that it horrifying in nature. A common man dares not to engage in court proceedings and prefers to settle his disputes outside the courts.
Even growing rates of retaliatory crimes show an increasing distrust towards our legal and judicial system. There is an urgent need to bring suitable legal and judicial reforms in India and nothing can bring speedier and effective reforms than use of ICT for legal and judicial purposes.
The only problem seems to be that we lack good techno legal institutions that can implement techno legal ICT legal and judicial reforms in India. Except a single techno legal training and consultancy institution managed by perry4law techno legal base (PTLB), we have no institution that can implement use of technology for legal and judicial purposes.
Till the month of February, 2011 we have still to establish the first e-court of India. We have still to streamline and adopt use of online dispute resolution (ODR) in India. Without an active use of ICT, Indian legal and judicial system cannot improve.
The call is for the law minister Mr. Veerappa Moily to take and it is high time for him to deliver results as till now only promises have been made in this regard.