As a matter of fact other search engines like DuckDuckGo, Yahoo and Bing are producing much better results. There can be many reasons for this poor listing of blog posts at Google.
These include censorship on behalf of Google under government pressure, manipulation by rouge employees at Google, spam blog posts by a particular blogger, discrimination in favour of commercial entities by Google, poor search engine optimisation (SEO) by concerned blogger, non qualitative and repetitive contents, etc.
Initially it was content farming and splogs that caused trouble for Google, now its poor search algorithm is bringing bad name for it. Google must pay special attention to its Indian operations as they are not up to the mark and are not meeting the Google’s philosophy and corporate policy.
In these circumstances it would be a better option for SEO companies and bloggers to target other search engines like DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Bing, etc as presently they are providing more relevant, unbiased and specific search results than Google.