Being a new field, there are very few lawyers and law firms that are dealing with cyber law litigation, consultancy and corporate advisory services. Further, there are only handfuls of experts that are providing cyber law due diligence services in Delhi, India.
However, a few law firms in New Delhi, India are really good in cyber law field. In fact, these law firms are giving cyber law a new shape in India. However, there is a single techno legal cyber law firms in New Delhi, India and world wide that manages both technical as well as legal aspects at the same time.
Perry4Law is the exclusive techno legal ICT and IP law firm in New Delhi, India and world wide that has acquired international reputation in the fields like cyber law, cyber security, cyber forensics, etc. Perry4Law Techno Legal Base (PTLB) supplements the techno legal expertise of Perry4Law.
One area that has recently interested the legal community pertains to cyber security. Although cyber security as a legal field has started gaining attention of foreign lawyers and law firms yet cyber security law firms in India or cyber security lawyers in India are still missing.
Perry4Law is also the exclusive cyber security law firm in New Delhi, India.As more and more people are using information and communication technology (ICT), cyber contraventions and cyber crimes are increasing in India at an alarming speed. Lawyers and legal firms in India need to upgrade their cyber skills. Similarly, cyber crimes investigation training India is also required in India for various stakeholders.