It is difficult to understand what is going on in the mind of Indian government. Is this statement just an attempt of the government to divert the mind of Indians from recent Chinese hacking episode or is it a usual knee jerk reaction from it for the growing incidences of cyber crimes and cracking of important governmental computer installations. Interestingly, before Raja even law minister Molly had supported for the enactment of a strong cyber law in India.
First the government of India did not pay any heed to cyber security requirements of India. Then it merrily made India a “safe heaven” for cyber criminals due to “industrial lobbying”. The truth is that India is confused regarding its cyber law and this is resulting in gross cyber anarchy in India.
The one suggestion that Indian government in general and minister Raja in particular needs regarding cyber law and cyber security of India is to wake up and have an open mind. Further, it would be a good idea if the government stops being an instrumentality for industrial lobbying while formulating important laws regarding cyber law and cyber security. The industrial lobbying and a committed e-surveillance policy of Indian government have taken us to a situation where having no cyber law in India would be better than the present cyber law.